In Between Beats disclaimer

In Between Beats is designed by passionate drummers to give aspiring and developing drummers great content that inspires them to play, improve and understand the art we all love. While we are genuinely passionate about the topics we cover, there is a business side of this too. We aim to make money from the site in the following ways:

  • Ads on our site

  • Affiliate adverts

What is Affiliate Marketing?

I earn small commissions if you buy a product or sign up for a service through my tracking link. There’s no extra cost to you when you do this.

We will only promote products we genuinely believe in because we’ve researched, used or analysed them for specific needs. Ideally I use every product first, but sometimes this isn’t possible. In these cases I carefully review how others have used them and what their credentials are for a specific context or use case.

We monitor external links (both affiliate links and others) for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness, but we do not warrant, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any information or product offered by third-party websites.

If a link doesn’t take you where you expected, please let us know using the contact information below.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at


Last updated 2023-09-20.